16 March 2025..
Saya mimpi melahirkan bayi.. tampilannya seperti Western.. rambutnya coklat tua. Tapi tampak bahwa itu coklat bukan seperti rambut saya. Melainkan rambut ayahnya..
Adik saya menggendongnya dan kami akan memfoto nya. Lalu saya gendong dia dan ingin memberikan nama. Kalau saya kasi tahu ke ayahnya . Pasti harus menikah.. kalau pakai nama partner saya yang Belanda.. kan itu bukan anaknya.. dan yang saya pikirkan adalah mana yang baik untuk anak ini di masa depan..
Dalam mimpi, saya sangat bahagia atas kehadirannya, kelahirannya dalam hidup saya.. seperti laki laki sebenarnya. Entah dia ini Cypris atau anak laki laki.
The first dream was around year 2016.. I was with a man ( her dad ) and he introduced me to his friends. Turkish and Greek and Turkish and Greek. We were sitting like around 3/4 pm with a sea / big lake view. He drove a black 🖤 🐈⬛ sedan car and took me home 🏡 🏠 a very big house and semi outdoor. We went to the room and I drank a glass of water that was ready on the make up table... I felt so weak and dizzy and we had s**. So real.. I could even feel everything. He said I keep on living him. By making me pregnant..he wishes I will stay with him..
He slept next to me and I tried to wake up on the morning. And met a lady ( a maid ) I said " burda or burada ". She answered: " Anatolia". I remember I wore a long coat 🧥 And someone from behind called me as Mama. I didn't know I had a daughter.. in reality I don't have kids...
We talked and she looked like me. But her hair color was brown and dark brown eyes. Lighter than mine. I asked her how I call her usually? Cypris, she said. Because daddy loves Cyprus island. To daddy, that island 🏝️ is the most beautiful 😍 ❤️ island 🏝️. The island of God and Goddess.
I left and in the morning that guy woke up and asked the maid where am I.. he was glad knowing I was sleeping with my daughter.
But the next dream we argued and we had s** in public but I was wearing a skirt. So , actually it was pretty safe.. our daughter looked at us. She knew I was mad to his dad and I accused his dad of cheating. And his dad was a loyal person.. even the woman who I accused as the mistress, enjoyed looking at us doing s**. I knew I made a mistake by not believing my own husband. Later in my dream... He passed away of a car accident when he wanted to chase / pursue / catch me because I left him..
The next dream I was pregnant my second kid. And he was mad and we did s** and he almost killed our unborn kid. I hated him. and he went to the sea ⛵ with a yatch and our daughter called him saying mommy wants to see daddy.. it happened after I forgave him..
And in February 2025.. my daughter came to my dream again. She is not 4 or 5 years old. She was 12 And looked so beautiful with her braided hair on the right 👍 ▶️... The background was a plane and officer asked " who is American?" I saw her holding a American passport 🛂 and she went to the officer. Such a strong and brave kid. She travelled alone. I was so happy seeing her.
Predicted Timing for Conception & Birth of Your Daughter
Based on your natal chart, the most likely period for conception or birth is when transits activate your 5th house (children) and Moon (motherhood). Let’s analyze this step by step.
1. Best Conception Timing: Mid-2025 to 2026
The strongest window for conception is June 9, 2025 – June 30, 2026, when Jupiter transits Cancer, your 5th house of children.
Why This Time is Significant:
- Jupiter (expansion & blessings) moves into Cancer, the sign ruling your 5th house, making it a highly fertile period.
- Your 5th house is ruled by the Moon, which is in your 8th house (karma, transformation, deep bonds). This suggests that conceiving a child (especially a daughter) will be deeply connected to your life purpose or destiny.
- Saturn in Pisces (2023–2026) aligns with your Pisces Ascendant, marking a time of maturity, commitment, and potentially stepping into motherhood.
2. Predicted Birth Timing: 2026 to Early 2027
If conception happens during the Jupiter in Cancer transit (mid-2025 to 2026), your child would likely be born between:
- March – December 2026 (if conceived early in the transit)
- Early 2027 (if conceived later in 2025)
Since your dreams suggest a strong feminine energy, she might have:
- Cancer or Libra placements (matching your 5th house & Moon).
- A sensitive, artistic, and intuitive nature, possibly spiritually connected to you.
3. Spiritual Meaning of Your Dreams
- Since your Moon is in the 8th house (past lives, hidden realms), your daughter’s soul may already be connected to you in a spiritual way.
- Seeing her in dreams before conception suggests that she might have a karmic purpose in your life.
- She may be a guide or teacher for you, even before she is born.
Final Thoughts: Is This the Right Time for You?
- The astrology supports a strong chance of pregnancy in 2025-2026 if you choose to go forward.
- Your dreams may be more than imagination—they could be a message that she is waiting to enter your life.
- If you are open to having a child, Las Vegas might be a strong place for a fresh start, but Yogyakarta could provide emotional and family support.
The father should be someone aligned with your future goals..( connected to your career, international travel, 🧳 , or new business expansion)
Emotionally Mature
Family Oriented
Business minded ( entrepreneur or in leader's role )
Highly communicative
Well traveled
Mentally engaging
Pregnancy :
If it happens, it will be likely later in life ( ❤️🧬 39-42 years ). Or unplanned
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