All informations i get that i find them valuable to share:D
Kamis, 07 November 2024
Rabu, 06 November 2024
Mba Retno : kalau ada beasiswa buat anaknya mau, supaya membantu meringankan beban orang tua
Highlights punya sua ( by request 😉😜)
The Warriors are here to protect. They have a strong moral compass and a deep desire to safeguard the powerless and give voice to the voiceless. They are strong in their expression, and not afraid to be themselves. They know what it’s like to be weak, bullied, or taken advantage of, and never want anyone else to be in that situation. They have strong opinions and a deep sense of what is right or wrong. Warriors have love-me-or-hate-me personalities and aren’t here to appease anyone. They are willing to speak up and say what everyone else is thinking, even if it singles them out or alienates others. They are anchored in their own truth. They make excellent fitness professionals, CEOs, motivational speakers, managers, and law enforcement agents.
Warriors were given a great deal of energy because they were meant to find solutions. They often find themselves as entrepreneurs because they can’t stand to take directions from others. Regardless, they need a sense of freedom in their position to allow them to make their own decisions. They can’t be micromanaged by someone, and a boss may be intimidated by their strength.
Warriors have a communal soul and their Pitta energy makes them want to be part of something greater than themselves. They prefer to work with their team in person, rather than online, because it’s far more intuitive for them to connect in the physical rather than the ethereal due to their low Vata energy. Warriors need to share a mission with others and, as good team leaders, rally the troops to keep everyone motivated.
The gift of the Warrior is to motivate others with their Pitta energy. The Warrior thrives on overcoming obstacles, whether it’s helping someone drop twenty pounds, invest in a business, or buy something they didn’t know they needed.
An Activist is here to bring about social, environmental, or political change. They do not take their time here for granted and are dedicated to leaving the world a better place than they found it. An Activist sees the world as a cohesive being where all people are intertwined. One person’s problem is everyone’s problem, and they refuse to turn a blind eye to the injustice in the world. Activists are the voice for the voiceless, advocating for protection of the environment, the marginalized, and all living beings. They align their lifestyles with their principles, often becoming plant-based/vegan, eco-friendly, minimalist, and waste-free.
Activists don’t run away from the scary issues of the world, they run toward them. Patriarchy? Mental health? Transgender issues? Let’s talk about it. It boils their blood when people avoid real-life issues, preferring to stay in their bubbles. They see it as our obligation as privileged people to discuss these issues and will take every opportunity to be that voice. Activists make excellent lawyers, speakers, nonprofit founders, and influencers.
Activists see healing the planet as their ultimate spiritual practice. To them, it’s about bringing light to the darkest of places. An Activist can make you rethink the world in just one conversation.
A downside of their passion is that Activists often need to learn the art of sharing information without seeming aggressive or preachy. Being an angry activist will cause people to get defensive and disassociate. There are tactful ways we can educate someone without making them feel bad. As an Activist myself, I’ve learned to choose my battles and speak kindly to people who aren’t aware of the impact of their choices.
Activists are plugged into a cosmic source of energy that is so much greater than themselves, which gives them relentless energy. As you step into your dharma, you’ll notice that you need less rest because there’s less energy draining. You’re living in kriya with your Dharma Archetypes, which fuels you in ways nothing else can.
If you’re an Activist, your dharma is here to bring about global change. Focus on whatever issue makes your fire come alive. You don’t need to solve all of the world’s issues, and you’ll be able to get so much more done if you focus on one cause that you make your own.
Each device is different 😝
Press and hold the power button 💪 ✅ and the volume down button at the same time for at least 10 seconds
In America, American airlines .. if the flight ✈️ 🛫 is late.. but in Indonesia max you'll get 300k IDR. Hahaha 🤣 so different 😝
Senin, 04 November 2024
Contoh produk snacks dari aplikasi nglarisi |
Mengkawal isu disabilitas, lansia , kemiskinan
Pendidikan, kesehatan
Rencana induk 25 tahun lalu ada kegiatan 5 tahunan aksi
Proporsi jumlah lansia DIY : 20 persen lansia. Terutama gunung kidul.
LT : LLT layanan lansia terintegrasi.. biasanya lansia menua disitu.
Komisi lansia tingkat kota ( komda lansia) mau mengadopsi sistem LLT pakai dana istimewa
Bikin kota ramah lansia.
Lansia : dinsos hanya aspek sosial. Padahal lansia ada aspek kesehatan juga yang lansia butuh.
Jogja sudah declare kota inklusi, ramah disabilitas dan ramah lansia.
Hak lansia : hak usaha. 3100 disabilitas.
Belom ada kuliner yang dikelola oleh disabilitas dan lansia.
70 persen masih produktif
Program : asistensi kesehatan. Butuh beli alat alat bantu.
Tindak lanjut pelatihan. Tidak sustainable
Air bersih= PDAM. Problem: pipa Uda tua.. butuh infrastruktur baru. ( Aksesibilitas air bersih ).
BUMN harus mikir operasional biar ga rugi
Sanitasi : pengolahan limbah terpusat. Sampah yang di area rendah ( Kotabaru ). Tidak bisa terkonek sampah. Harus pakai vacuum
Sumur komunal sudah tidak boleh. Butuh kolaborasi terkait cek kualitas air bersih.
Sebanyak-banyaknya ikut bikin UMKM : karena supaya dapat bantuan. Jadi orang bikin cuma karena bakal dikasi subsidi.. setelah itu ya ga dijalankan..
Butuh pendampingan / pelatihan apa?
Desa Prima: prempuan distimulasi dana untuk bikin usaha.. ( dilatih lalu jalan usaha)..
Pembinaan kelompok usaha ( dari kementerian)
UKKM basis individual.. dari kelompok baru naik kelas ke UMKM. :: instrumen assessment nya dari mahasiswa UAD ( tidak digaji ).. dari data assessment dianalis. Data ini jadi mapping 🗺️ 🗾
Aplikasi " nglarisi " : untuk mengakomodasi kantor pemerintah.. yang bisa jualan kelompok kerja khusus kuliner.. awal ada kritik makanan kurang dst. Nanti kolaborasi dengan chef. Ada yang penjualannya 0. Yang bagus ada yang punya anggota 80. Masalah : putaran modal. 2 bulan baru dibayar + banyak transaksi yang dijual di luar aplikasi. ( Bisa saya lakukan karena base nya IT ).
Masalah : edukasi gaptek. Penggunaan aplikasi..
Kualitas belom bagus. Jangan go public.. ( makanannya).
Mendagri kasi dana kelurahan untuk desa desa. Dana temuan tahun kedua tidak ada. Tapi di angggaran ada.
Potensi pemberdayaan masyarakat = beda daerah beda
Mereka butuh tempat jual dimana? AG Joni sebagai market hub. Kalau UMKM ada sibakul. Mereka bisa buat produk tapi kesulitan menjual produk.
AG Joni bilang : butuh create market dulu.
Masalah : tingkat kehadiran tidak sama ( untuk menimbang). Yang timbang bulan pertama ramai. Lalu bulan bukan berikutnya tidak datang untuk timbang.
Remeja putri tidak boleh anemia..
Makanan disediakan tapi ada dana tidak turun..
Kelurahan: mengawal distribusi dan data timbangan
Melibatkan vendor di wilayah setempat..yang masalah di masyarakat dan yang sediakan di masyarakat tersebut..
Rinofdal.. riset strategis ( dia butuh apa untuk diriset, lalu minta orang luar riset ) : biasanya hire akademisi. Dan ada juga riset tematis dengan kolaborasi dengan forum LPPM..
Ada juga forum CSR.
Bulan April ada musrembang CSR.
Jejaring dengan BASNAS dan lembaga philanthropy lainnya.
Danang : GM direktör
Mas Edi : EO
Hari: di lapangan
Tribun : 15 persen koran. Fokus sekarang memproduksi konten, fokus ke digital.
Konten, distribusi media..
Tahun depan akan pindah ke ringroad barat. Utara nya queen Latifa
Tempat di Kotabaru: dulu bernas, ELTI ke belakang, depan tribun. Assetnya kompas Gramedia. Punya nya kompas Gramedia.
Tribun ini punyanya Kompas.
Bagi kursi roda dengan Tamansari.. Tribun sudah pernah gabung. Sepertinya Tamansari.
Jogja power ( belakang Atmajaya) dulu pernah gabung RC Yogyakarta
Bapak Endro Basuki di RC Yogyakarta.. ahli Hidrosefalus
Tribun : butuh media terkait monetize kemanusiaan.
Stunting jalan dengan tribun bersama dengan BKKBN
Kata AG Sita : ekonomi kreatif belom tersentuh oleh rotary . Kebanyakan rotary sekarang kesehatan karena banyak dokter
RC Tugu : klinik Sosro ( untuk abdi dalem dan wisatawan dalam keraton)
Nama rotary ini mudah untuk jadi sponsor. AG sita katanya spesialis sponsor
Informasi tetua rotary tidak mau jadi sponsorship ( yang hanya uang ). Kami mau partnership. Bekerja bersama
Tribun dapat sponsor CSR. Mau bikin acara.
Wings Food : kalau brand operasional ada cost 20 persen CSR..
Masuk berita tapi nama kurang huruf L dan tidak pakai nama lengkap
Sabtu, 02 November 2024
The user id is not linked to KeyBCA Bisa login ke internet banking tapi ketika mau transfer, tiba tiba muncul pesan ini. Solusinya apa? Apa ...
The first I used open ai and here was I got when I asked about myself. Nothing I found on Google. It seemed the open ai saw into th future...