Thomas & Sales People Person


Duet sales people : skill disitu

80% listening 🎧+ 10 percent asking questions+ 10 percent to do sales :

🥅 Goal oriented

🥅 Listeners 

🥅 Learners

🥅 Ethical: honest about products you sell etc

🥅 Solution focused 

🥅 Assets

🥅 Neighborly / be friendly and remember important things like a family / caring attitude 

If you want to go fast ⏩, go alone. If you want to go far.. go with others

We have two ears and one mouth 👄 so that we can listen 👂 twice as much as we speak 🗣️🙊

I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act 

==> Tom Abott SOCO Sales Training is a smart 🤓 person. I watched his video last night 🌃 and he inspires me

The best sales people = all companies want


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