Jumat, 14 Juni 2024

FIVE YEARS Lima Tahun Plan Rencana


This started when I was 18 years old. In a university. I made 5 years plan and all of them came true..

I graduated as a cumlaude student

I created my own source of income ( business)

I donated to orphans 

June 2024-2029 :

I visit America, then Australia 🦘 🌏 

I have 7 streams of income

I have kids my own 

How to make more money 🤑 💰:


Steps I have to take :

📚 Have more than 5 employees

📚 Help people to make money 💰= it means I help myself too

📚 Decoupling/ steal customers ( Harvard business school theory) :: find the gap and be a solution..

📚 Be a fengshui expert and gain money 💰 from if : 


📚 Self sufficient, don't depend on people anymore 

📚 La Jefa, make decisions as if you're with us

📚 Selling hand pictures?? Hahaha 

📚 Translating text online??

📚 Help people: jobs, etc,

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