Minggu, 26 November 2023

How to Life

 What I learned 

🌿 calm, respon everything in your happy mood. When you encounter accusations, problems.. it's better to stay away. It's good to respond quickly.. but respond in your high temper / anger will result in rage rather than peace

🌿 Offer help.. help people.. some people won't accept your help. Just leave them. Relationship is good when it's mutual, not one side. No matter how good intentions you have, if you give them to someone who can't appreciate it... You just hurt yourself..  

🌿 People come and go.. we wish for forever friends. But some people are just visitors. When they want to go from your life , let them go. 

🌴 Your life is your business, don't let someone else run it 

🍀 Increase your net worth every year 

🍀 If this is the last day of your life, what will you do?

LIFE is short, spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved 😍

In the end... The most important is HOW YOU MAKE PEOPLE FEEL.. 

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