Rabu, 29 November 2023

Coconut 🥥 Kelapa

🥥 Kelapa muda biasa

🥥 Kelapa muda serat merah

Serat merah

Kelapa serat merah 

is not my best friend 🥺 😜 only a little amount yes 😋 but I sell it per bottle 🍾













Taman Agung 



Warung Teduh 

Yamas Restaurant Cavinton Hotel

Front gate , so beautiful 🤩❤️

Wall decoration.. after you go out from the lift 🛗, this is the first view you see. Then you walk to the left and go to the front gate

Bar area 

Outdoor area 

Food and drink , yummy 😋

Outdoor area 

I made review on Google maps too :

Outdoor area

Mirror 🪞 design in front of the bathroom 

Christmas 🎄🎁 tree

Window design 

Photo spot , outdoor area

Selasa, 28 November 2023

Bomb 💣

💣 Uranium 235 is the most ideal for making bombs 💣

💣 Plutonium 239

💣 Thorium :: dia yg banyak dipakai saat ini. Tidak efisien untuk bikin bomb 💣💣💥 tapi paling less waste

Saat ini pemilik thorium terbanyak adalah India dan negara negara lain sedang cari


Jupiter is a planet of expanding, teaching..

You use your index 👉☝️ finger when you're mad and want to teach / talk to someone , you point with that 👉☝️ index finger. 

Why? Because index 👉☝️ finger represents Jupiter = planet of teaching 



Get your Life in Order, asap 

How can I serve the universe 

Learn Hanya yang Kamu Butuhkan 

🥪 Set a perfect ideal

🍞 Set up a Life that you don't need to escape from

Simplicity is the key in this life 🧬 

Your time is precious 💞, only do precious thing 




I learned about Bazi ( Chinese astrology). And i saw 7K ( 7 killing there). Then I made some researches and found out that if a person ( bullier ) bullies a person ( victim ). There's a big possibility victim has the high 7K element. This is my theory. 

We call this person as Borneo. A female kid. She is a yang metal person. She gets bullied. I can say there's a big chance possibility the bullier has wood day master.

If you heard crime stories , victims did revenge and kill the bulliers. Kill = 7k = 7 killing= pressure= job..

Now we can see the energy...


why they bully? Because they are scared of the energy of a victim. Unconscious minds want to remove it ( read as bully ).. and usually in the future, the victims are the killers of the bulliers. Right? 

We're living in this world with energies. It's Better to teach kids about energies so that they can use it perfectly. Learn to harmonize it.. 

In this case, the victim ( just by being there and silent ) already make wood 🪵🪓 bulliers afraid. It's better to have friends to neutralize the energies. 

Then now you can see why most victims are alone. No friends.. i suggest you teach your kids to make friends so that it will soften the energy and avoid bullying. 

But this is still my theory. And I checked it already and it's true. But I need bigger samples. I really hope in the future I can have access to do samplings to rest my theory and make this world a better place and easier and happier to live 


How to pay your employees


I found some good videos :

How much time they can free you , for you to grow your business 


Belanda The Netherlands Dutch

Met a man from the club ( another branch ) and he showed me beautiful books

THE NETHERLANDS PEOPLE from my experiences :
💙 Direct , straight forward ⏩.. ( so, it's okay to ask or tell your opinions without sugar coating them)

ik ben kachel = saya mabuk berat..


Allebai : both
Aardig : nice 
Alles : everything 
Altijd : always 
Achter : behind

Bedoel je ..? : do you mean..?
Bunda : ass
Buren : neighbors 
Bijna : almost 
De bezem : 🧹 broom 
Het blad: leaf 🍀🌿
Het been : bone 🦴 / legs 
Beenderen : bones
Benen: legs 
Boer : farmer 
Blijven : to stay
Het bezoek : visit 
Op bezoek: on a visit 
Bruiloft: wedding 💍 💒 
Borst : chest 🧰
Buik : belly 

Dik : fat, thick
Hey dak : roof
Denken : to think
Duwen: push
Dat : that 
Dekens ( " deiken " ) : blanket 

Een beetje : a bit / a little bit
Erg : very
Etalage : window shop / etalase 
Eigenlijk : actually/ really 
Het ei : egg 🥚🍳
Eieren : eggs , 🍳 ( plural )
Echt : real, really 
Eeuw : century 

Fietst : bike 🚲 🚳 onze grootmoeder fietst graag : our grandmother Likes to bike 🚳 🚲 

G :
Gezicht: pretty sight 
Gezellig : pleasant 
Getrouwd: married 
Gaan naar : going to go. Wij gaan naar opa en oma ( we are going to go to opa and oma )
Gezicht: face 
Geboren : born 
Gemiddelde: average 
Geluisterd : listened
Geregend : rained 
Gisteren: yesterday ( ik HEB gisteren gespeeld: I played yesterday). Harus pakai beb 
Gespeeld : played 
Gewacht : waited 
Gemaakt : made 
Gekookt : cooked
Gevraagd : asked, requested 
Gezet : put, established 
Gehoord : heard 
Geluid : sound , noise 
Gerend: run 
Gezegd = say 
Gestopt : stop 🚏 🛑 
Geprobeerd : tried , attempted 
Geleerd : learned
Gewoond : lived
Gelegd : laid 
Gebruikt : used 
Grijze ( " khreize " ) : gray 
Geregend : rained ( het heeft geregend : it rained )
Geprobeerd ( " kheprobird (: tried 
Hoofdpijn : headache 
Helaas : too bad
Heel : very
Houden : to walk
Houden van : to like, to love
Hoe: how 
Huid : skin
Helemaal : completely, absolutely 
Heeft ; has ( zij heeft NIET geluistered : she didn't listen 👂)

Jurken: dress 
Jazeker : of course
Jawel : yes, yes indeed 

Keelpijn : sore throat 
Koorts : fever 
Kort : short 
Kaal : bald
Kijken : watching 
Klant : customer
Kieskeurig : choosy , fussy 
Kennen : to know, to be acquainted with 

Het laken : sheet 
Het lied : song
Liederen : songs 
Leraar : male teacher 
Luistert u eens : listen here
Leuk : nice , lovely 🌹😍
Leiden : lead 
Lopen : walk 
Leeftijd: age 

Misschien : perhaps 
Moe : tired 
Mensen: people 
Moeilijk: difficult 
Maag : stomach 
Meer ( " mier " ) : more than 

N :
Nou : well
Nee joh : not really 
Nog : still , yet, before
Naam : name 
Na : after
NAAR : to 
NAAR huis : towards home 🏠🏡
Nooit : never
Beef : cousin 
Niks : nothing 
Neus: nose 👃 🐽 

Oom : om / uncle 

Precies : exactly 
De pruik : wig 
Praten: to talk 

Regisseur : male director 
Rijden : to drive 
Reuze gezellig: great fun 

Schoenen : shoes
Sluw : cunning 
Ship : ship 
De stad : town 
Saai : dull, boring 
Slaan : to hit
Steden : town ( plural )
Stoelen: chairs 
Studeren : study
stiefmoeder : step mother 
Strand : beach ⛱️ 🏖️ 
Slager : butcher
Slaapkamer : bedroom 

Twee : two 
Tenminste : at least 
Tevreden : satisfied 
Thuis : at home 🏡
Tachtig: 80
Tapijt ( " tapeit " ) : rug, carpet 

uit : from

Veel : much , many, a lot 
Versleten : worn out 
Vriendelijk : friendly 
Het volk : nation, people 
Volkeren / volken : nation, people 
Verpleeg : nurse
Vanavond : this evening 
Vinden: to find 
Hoe vind je? : what do you think?
Voor : for
Voor ( stressed) : in front of
Volgen: follow 
Veranderen : change 
Vergeten : forget

Wat jammer : what a shame 
Weg : away, gone 
De weg : road
Weet ok veel? : how should I know?
Worden : to become 
Waar: where 
Wie : who
Waarom : why
Waneer : when 
Welke jurk bedoel je? : which dress do you mean?
De wijn : wine

Ziek : sick 
Zijn : are
Zestig : 60
Zwemmen 🏊: swim 

Week 2 halaman 35 done 2,7

Senin, 27 November 2023

American Stuff from my Brother


Apology Language Result


I did the test from https://5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/love-language 

For the love language, when I checked on it , there's an apology Language test 😘 here's the result :

Ghosting What to do when he doesn't text me back ?

Ghosting or something like that.. well, I am the person who can easily block people If you disturb my peace 😜 I am not that cruel. Hahaha 🤣 just sometimes

Have you ever been in a argument and then the person doesn't reply you and goes away? 

This case.. let's think with our head 🗣️ not heart ❤️🙂 

💬 this person needs time to process information and needs to make a judgment. 

💬 He probably no longer interested in you. When I am not interested in someone ( although I am as a woman 👠), I won't reply his text as simple as that. But if I find out that person is a good person, then I will probably be friends and come connect together when I feel I want 


it's hard if you have a moon Libra ♎⚖️ like me, we like good relationship, like a loving family one.. but... Use your head 🗣️

📌 Text him in a day but never text him again and again ( wait until he replies). No need to keep texting him. Men love chasing. Don't come to him as a victim. LEAVE HIM 😜

❓ What to do if he doesn't reply after I give some time? Well, LEAVE HIM 😜 it's hard, I know.. but he doesn't respect you ( by replying to your messages). So why you should keep being there for someone who doesn't even care about your feelings! 

Then enjoy your life 😘💋 

I guarantee, sooner or later he will say hello 🤗 

That's the time when we should kick him out 🤣 hahaha 😉 I am sorry guys, but I did it to men.. Because a gentlemen knows how to behave, he treats woman with kindness, he won't let a woman 👠♀️ waiting unexplained for a long time.. if he keeps you waiting, he is not a person you should put inside your small circle 


I believe at the point of your life, you'll feel bored. Keep starting and going from a person to a person. You lose your time to learn about relationships 😛😉 if I am a ghoster, I will be so tired 😩😴💤 


Please 🥺🙏 understand some people aren't ready mentally. They are old enough but they are not ready for commitment or even friendships.. 

They might be loners, or weirdos ( my man said it 😜. Not me ), or weak men ( my UK friend said it ).. 

When it's happening to you, pull yourself together and let's be strong.. it's not your fault. It's them. Don't blame yourself.. love 😘 yourself ❤️ 


I got ghosted twice. 1 online 1 real life. Both of them weren't my type. I was too kind. I thought all people will adore me 😅 😜 I got ghosted too. I prayed that they will love me forever ♾️ 

But the online 1 I finished him. He came back after weeks or 2 months 😳 and I said publicly online to his friends that I blocked him. He pm me. I blocked him 🤣 his friends contacted me asking me to unblock. He misses me ( his friends said it ). I said : no. He ghosted me first. It feels good to block him and announce it and " humiliate " him elegantly , publicly 😉 ( kick 🦶🦵 out) 😜

The reality one is still in process. I am so ready for the revenge baby, don't play with me ☺️ 😘😘💋 ( I will update)..


💋 make sure to know his friends, family when you're dating. So that we they ghost 👻 you, you can revenge ( revenge is not good morally, but we play with immoral people, so be it). And revenge here is not by doing stupid things. Revenge = you end the relationship in their eyes and leave them.  You ghost / leave them back. Fast. Or you can show off your new relationships. The positive way of revenge, darling 😘😘💘

💋 Make sure to know his home 🏡😉 or his works. Or details about him / her. Usually when they give you love bombing , they will give informations you want to know.. 

💋 If they do naughty pictures or videos of you. Make sure to do the same. They can't blackmail you when you can blackmail them back 😉


this article based on my experiences. If you wanna do safer ( normal way ), you can search Google on it. Usually is by letting them go / leaving them and you go through process to strengthen your mental back. 

Good luck, may you all find good people and not get ghosted 😚

The end : none ghosted me. I am a committed relationship with the one I thought he ghosted me.. communication is the KEY 🗝️🔐

Minggu, 26 November 2023

Hari Disabilitas


Rotary Club Yogyakarta Malioboro, Rotaract Yogyakarta Malioboro berkerjasama dengan UKDW dan OHANA dalam memperingati hari disabilitas.

Tata letak rencana penyusunan ruang

Tampilan dari depan ( gate ) 
Step Out Bazaar Inklusi 2003

Ruang utama untuk acara 

Rundown acara sebagai berikut 

Rundown acara hari terakhir