Home management : How to make a good family

 I am living with a man for 16 years ++. And we managed well. Until he brought his mom to our house. So many conflicts has been happening. And i accidentally found this video just now. 

It's so valuable video about home management. Here you can learn. I want to share this, maybe you need this too. If i can. I would love to give 🏆🥇 to this video 😘 

Family life : 


That video talked about 

1. Schedule

2. Responsibilities 

3. Privileges 

4. Finances 

And about seeing a family in business perspective. 


Scheduling each day. To me, it doesn't have to we all know our schedules. But the most important is we don't disturb other family members 's schedule 


Divided up according to individual interests and abilities. Some members are happy to cook. Some don't. Some are happy cleaning, some don't. We need to work together. Also make sure to put things back, so that other members get easy life at home too. Cannot find their things will make them mad for sure 😡 😂😂 


Right of privacy to work alone & undisturbed by loud noises in the house :: this is happening to me. Especially because I work from home 🏠🏡 inability to manage this , will lead to a bad condition of home. Home should be homey right 😜 

Also the right to have opinions respected. Something small for you. Not small for others. So have your emphaty to look from other's point of view. 


Planning spending 💰 . This is important because no matter how many you give me , i am able to manage it. I am good at managing money 🐱 but what if one depends on others and she is a heavy spender. This also bring conflicts right? That's why even for your kids. Communicate about this well. Kids should know their parents' condition. My dad taught me this when I was a little. 4-6 years old. I even knew my mom's and dad's salaries. That helped me not to demand my parents to buy me something. I would love to help them earning money. 

Since my dad passed away ( i was 6 years old ). Our financial condition wasn't good. That was the time i learned to sell things. And we even became an ice seller 😅 kinda famous at that time 😜 me and my siblings knocked the doors of our neighbors and offered ice. We were so small. That was the time when we earned money together as a family. A beautiful memory 💓


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