Rabu, 31 Mei 2023


From my love. He sent this picture to me πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹


From my Brazilian sister, when she visited america. She wished she could meet me there 


The Bean Garden Palagan

 I took this picture, in the south area 


Travel Pass Mafia City Migration

90 tickets 😳😲 price per ticket 🎟️@5 USD. 

It means you'll be a strong person if you enter that city. Some cities offer only 1 ticket 🎟️

My love bought me tickets 🎟️🎫 . It was sent through pm ( personal message) and i must claim it. The price usually double. Reguler 5 USD, gift 🎁 10 usd If I am not mistaken. The cheaper way to buy tickets is by buying directly to your account. 

Another migration ticket 🎫🎟️ :

Eyeshadow , How to wear?

2012 was the best year of my life 😜 like Jupiter was above my head Hahaha 😘 I wore greenish eyeshadow color at that time. Today, I consider green is my lucky color. Because:
1. I am a pisces 🐟 ascendant
2. Green represent mercury andy atmakaraka is Mercury 
3. Green represents wealth to me, because I am a " Yang metal person " as in yin yang Bazi calculator 
4. Because my tone is cool one. Chocolate isn't my best. Green, blue πŸ”΅πŸ’™, black πŸ–€, purple πŸ’œ, mauve are the options 

Here's what I found. So beautiful ❤️❤️

Untuk order klik link di bawah ini ;

Sore Throat Solutions & Benefits of Honey

Lemon + warm water + honey 3 spoons

Drink warm water 

Before going to bed, gargle warm water + salt ( don't drink water after that )

Sleep a lot/ rest more 

Take honey  ( also you can lemon πŸ‹+ honey 🍯)


🍯 Anti aging solution 

🍯 Treat for acne 

🍯 Treatment for spots and scars 

🍯 Antioksidan 

🍯 Anti inflammatory

🍯help to soothe the skin 

🍯 Help eyes to relax 

🍯 Can lighten pigmentations 

🍯 One of the best natural moisturizer 

Coklat Take it by Delfi

Borong di swalayan πŸ˜‹πŸ€€πŸ˜‹ beli 1 gratis 1. Menurut saya , saat ini take it ini coklat paling enak. Terutama kalau tidak masuk kulkas. Texture nya saat digigit sangat sempurna. 

( Beberapa orang suka masukkan coklat ke kulkas )

Dan baru paham juga kalau ternyata ini yang produksi Delfi. Dulu waktu kecil saya kira Delfi itu perusahaan dari Swiss πŸ«•πŸ« ternyata asli dari Indonesia :) dan baru juga saya tahu kalau coklat Delfi mendominasi pangsa pasar Coklat di Indonesia

Kerang Srimping


Secang atau Wedang Uwuh?

 Foto di atas secang atau Wedang uwuh ? Hahaha 🀣 kalau dari menu yang diorder sih secang.. 

Secang sendiri merupakan kayu dengan nama kayu secang yg berguna untuk kesehatan. XN di dalam gelas ini ada kayunya :D 

Teras Jahe Susu Jahe

Susu jahe malam hari sangat nikmat. 

Pernah heran gak? Kenapa tukang jualan susu murni itu kebanyakan buka di sore atau malam hari? 😜 

Jawaban : karena jam minum susu terbaik itu adalah setelah matahari ⛅☀️ terbenam.



Favorite wallpapers Face / Humans / Cartoons

Running time 

Buying, shopping πŸ›️πŸ›’

Words Affirmation

Words to some people play stronger than other people. It means they will get hurt if you give them critics and they will happy when you praise them. Words is one of the love language. 

Above is my result 😜
40 percent words of affirmation
23 percent quality time 
13 percent act of service 
13 percent physical touch 
10 percent is gifts 

The funny thing was when someone said : i found out my girlfriend is act of service and gifts. It means i have to clean the house for her and let bank account to be robbed by her πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£


Where to test yours: 


Positive words affirmation for example below πŸ‘‡

You make my heart melting 

Thank you for being so sweet , loving and caring 

Thank you for your support 

I am lucky being yours ❣️ : I often say this to him. Sincerely. I am happy being with him 

I love our beautiful relationship 

I will love you till my heart stops πŸ’ž

My heart is beating πŸ’“ for you πŸ’œ

Thank you for making me feel so safe And loved 

You're the best 

You're awesome 

You're a great person 

I am proud of you : oh YES Haha. I love it, my man often says it hahaha 

I am here if you need me. I will always support you 

I feel so loved by you 

You make me happy, you make me laugh πŸ˜‚ 😜

You make me the happiest woman / man on earth 

I am lucky having you in my life 

You're wonderful

I love your eyes , I love everything about you

You look amazing in that dress / suit / Tshirt, is that new? 

You're beautiful 

You're so attractive and gorgeous


You're so strong. It must be very tough for you..

I can't imagine how hard it was..

I regret, I am sorry for...

Next time , I will try to... 


Even when you say thank you, you can add some beautiful words like above 😘 she is my friend from the UK. A nice friend πŸ’•


We can add statements like in this case you're a woman of claw and strength, you will achieve everything you want ( this is also very good as words affirmation)

Another compliments example :

More information β„Ή️:
Words create your reality 
--> I am getting that , I am having that. That's under my name.