Sabtu, 02 November 2024



Try this test.. it's good 😊 👍

Your primary archetype: 

The Visionary

I am here To Share 🙏 😺 


Vata + Pitta

The Visionary is here to be a bridge for the new paradigm. They are especially tapped into universal Source consciousness and spiritual energy, and they’re able to express the visions that come through them with the gift of words. They have reincarnated at this time to inspire people to embody their fullest potential. They are change makers who thrive in leadership positions where the focus is on their message.

Visionaries serve as a reflection of your own spiritual practice, reminding you that you already have the answers within yourself. They won’t sulk with you about your latest breakup or that you were fired; they’ll lift you up and hold you to the highest level to ask what your experience is teaching you.

A Visionary’s life must feel like the unfolding of their words. Visionaries are tapped in with the cosmic web of energy and constantly shift their focus to be in alignment, even if it means completely changing something or launching a new project before the infrastructure is in place. The moment an idea hits—they need to take action.

Visionaries can guide others easily, but it’s important for them to tune into when their advice is wanted. Visionaries can come off as preachy to others who don’t share the same ideals. They must speak only to those who are ready for the lesson and not give someone more than they can chew.

It’s important for Visionaries to remember that the spirit world moves much faster than the physical realm —spirit may be throwing you ideas that you’ll be able to manifest in this lifetime, but you don’t have to do all of them right now. Focus on bringing one vision to life before you usher in the next. At the same time, if you’re being called to action, go for it. Let your intuition guide your way, rather than your fear of not getting everything done.

Above all, as a Visionary your energetic state is of upmost importance. Don’t sacrifice your high vibration just to create. Sacred self-care is of ultimate importance because your product is you.

Your secondary archetype:

The Artist

I am here to create....
I am here to create beauty, my biggest fears are being judged and misunderstood 



The Artist is put on this earth to create beauty. They are channels of divine expression through art, song, design, poetry, and/or dance. They are tapped into the beauty of all things, taking in the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their surroundings. They need the world around them to be aesthetically pleasing or they feel out of balance. They are very particular about the way they like things and have a signature style to everything they do.

It’s important to note that the Artist is not necessarily a professional artist—they’re just someone who brings art into everything they do, a messenger of beauty. They’ll spend extra time to make sure everything they do is beautiful, and become frustrated when people don’t share the same attention to detail.

An Artist is always reinventing themselves. They tend to have several careers over their lifetimes, or even at the same time. They’re the type of people to make the art, come up with the branding, direct and edit the video, design the costume and even build the set. Everything in their life is curated to reflect their creativity, from their social media feed to their home to their wardrobe and to their office.

Artists are tastemakers. They don’t follow trends but create them—Artists can throw together items from a thrift shop and look like they’re walking down a runway. An Artist likes to spend a lot of their time by themselves, because they take in so much energy around them. They need extra time to themselves to process that, which then becomes the inspiration for their art.. They have a lower need for human interaction than other archetypes, and can be hermits.

Artists are intuitive, open-minded, and creative, and bring divine consciousness into the physical plane through their art. They may feel uncomfortable in big groups of people because they’re taking in so much information from the world around them.

An Artist’s greatest issue is sticking to their originality rather than creating something they know will be successful. There may be a demand for them to create something more mainstream, but if it’s not true to what they have a passion for, they’ll become extremely depressed. Artists do well as creatives, branding specialists, graphic/ interior/ fashion designers, content creators, writers, photographers, cinematographers, musicians, jewelry makers, painters, and poets.


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