Jumat, 23 Juni 2023

Whatsapp : this app isn't compatible with your device anymore

 Whatsapp : this app isn't compatible with your device anymore 

So , i need to buy a new phone πŸ“±πŸ€³? Yes. 

Results of my researches :

It's not the WhatsApp but the google play store.

Google doesn't support OS ( operating system below year 2014 anymore). My phone is Asus ( Zen phone) with Intel inside. Released in 2013. Bought in 2014. Up until today June, 2023.. he is as strong as hell 😜 that's why I love Intel technology and Asus 

In the next year operating system 2014 won't work..

The next year again 2015 won't work. Something like that. 

My devices experiences

Age 4 : computer πŸ’»πŸ’» I am not born so rich but i am lucky enough to know electronic devices since age 4. My mom worked in a university. I knew computer πŸ–₯️πŸ’» tube one 😜 

Age 12/13 : my mom had a Siemens handphone.. later she changed to Nokia. We wanted a cable phone, but the government didn't have slots for us. That was the reason we used handphone although it was so crazy expensive at that time. 

She game me that Siemens phone πŸ“± when i was 13 years old 

Age 18 : Siemens phone didn't have camera. Only texts. Then, with scholarship money πŸ’°πŸ€‘, o bought Samsung ( baby face camera πŸ€³πŸ“Έ 😜)

 The reason why i bought a new one because the technology kept on growing. From text to picture πŸ–Ό️

Ages later πŸ€ͺ : i bought blackberry because i ran my business and most customers needed blackberry pin. Most people didn't have blackberry. It was so expensive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ but i gained more money πŸ€‘πŸ’° because most of my money came from technology/ online 😜 

Later i have a tablet PC too . It was awesome. I liked big screen. It broke. 

Then Asus Zenfone Redmi, Xiaomi, black shark ( now )..

My friends said : every 2 years, the technology changes. It's best to buy once every two years..

But i am so good at taking care things, hardware is good but software keeps moving. Like it or no  this case like WhatsApp case isn't because the phone is broken. But because the software isn't compatible anymore..

My solution now is to install Whatsapp+ WhatsApp business in a same phone πŸ“±πŸ€³ ( 2 different phone numbers) so that i don't have to buy a new phone. But i must get ready to buy a new one if needed. 

Let's start saving! 😜

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