Bikin Sendiri

🦷 Pasta gigi / toothpaste : baking soda ( merk arm & hammer ) + air. Pakai sehari sekali 

πŸ‘  Feminine odor / itchy miss V : baking soda a half teaspoon of baking soda for 1 liter water. Soak it about 15-20 minutes 

🌡 Aloevera: massage to tighten vagina 

🍎 Apple cider vinegar : help miss V PH level. if you drink it, it becomes alkaline and good for digestion system 

🌷minyak jarak : untuk menumbuhkan dan menebalkan rambut , alis, bulu mata

πŸ‘„ Lip balm usually I use petroleum jelly. So effective. But the information said, beeswax is safer. I haven't tested it yet 


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