Selasa, 03 September 2024


Should I book airplane ✈️πŸ›« tickets and hotels before applying American visa?

No, you don't need to book a flight before applying for a U.S. visa. In fact, it’s generally recommended not to book any non-refundable travel arrangements until your visa is approved. During the visa application process, you may be asked about your travel plans, but providing a general itinerary or intended travel dates is usually sufficient. Once your visa is approved, you can then book your flight.

It means I don't need to book πŸ“š πŸ“– hotels too?

Correct, you don't need to book hotels before applying for a U.S. visa. Similar to flight bookings, it's not necessary to have confirmed hotel reservations. You can provide a general idea of where you plan to stay or a list of potential accommodations in your visa application. It’s better to avoid making any non-refundable reservations until your visa is approved.


Informasi cara apply Visa

Buka website:

For Indonesian:

Jakarta and Surabaya

Nonimmigrant Visa Types :

Isi dokumen disini :

Business/Tourist visa

Visa Type: B

Fee: $185 USD

Visitor visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (visa category B-1), for tourism (visa category B-2), or for a combination of both purposes (B-1/B-2).

You must overcome this legal presumption by showing:

πŸ“š That the purpose of your trip to the United States is for a temporary visit, such as business, pleasure, or medical treatment

πŸ“š That you plan to remain in the United States for a specific, limited period of time

πŸ“š Evidence of funds to cover your expenses while in the United States

πŸ“š That you have a residence outside the United States, as well as other binding social or economic ties, that will ensure your return abroad at the end of your visit

Application items

If you apply for a business/tourist visa, you must pay your application fee and submit the following:

πŸ•Š️ A Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) Form. Visit the DS-160 web page

πŸ•Š️ A passport valid for travel to the United States with a validity date at least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person desiring a visa must submit an application.

πŸ•Š️ One 2 x 2-inch (51 x 51 mm) photograph taken within the last six months. This web page has information about the required photo format.

πŸ•Š️ Original documents are always preferred over photocopies and you must bring these documents with you to the interview

🧾 Current proof of income, tax payments, property or business ownership, or assets.

🧾 Your travel itinerary and/or other explanation about your planned trip.

🧾 A letter from your employer detailing your position, salary, how long you have been employed, any authorized vacation, and the business purpose, if any, of your U.S. trip.

🧾 Criminal/court records pertaining to any arrest or conviction anywhere, even if you completed your sentence or were later pardoned.

Business visitors and company directors

Bring evidence of your position in the company and remuneration.

Remunerasi adalah imbalan atau penghargaan yang diberikan perusahaan kepada karyawannya atas kontribusi yang telah dilakukan


Cara isi dokumen DS 160 Esther : save terus sebentar sebentar waktu isi formulir karena setiap 20 menit inactivity, sistem akan reset

LocationπŸ“ may apply visa πŸ’³ pilih surabaya atau jakarta. 

Tick I agree and you'll see your application number, write down application ID in a safe place 

Pick security questionπŸ™‹, bisa pilih pertanyaanπŸ™‹❓⁉ lainnya

birth data :  Kota 🏒🏒🏦 yogyakarta, provinsi: SPECIAL REGION OF YOGYAKARTA

( di bawah ada button SAVE tolong sering di klik untuk memastikan tersimpan) 


Personal information 2 : national identification number ( pilih does not apply) ,  US security number ( pilih doesn't apply ) , taxpayer I'd ( pilih doesn't apply) 

SAVE lagi


Travel information : 

Purpose of trip to the US ✈️️ & specify? 

tourism – i.e. travelling, seeing cultural landmarks, national parks as well as visiting friends or relatives.

Have you made specific travel ✈️️plans ⚠? Although we prepared details. It's better to pick NO. not specific ( karena memang masih bisa berubah) 

Intended date of arrivalπŸ›¬ ( putuskan ini) 

✋ Answered : march 14 starts the mercury retrograde..the cheapest / fewer tourists January to March. Let's set kembali ke Indonesia 10 Maret. Perjalanan 2 hari. Berarti 7 Maret kembali. Asumsikan 3 Minggu sampai 1 bulan. Maka perjalanan dimulai 7 February.. 21 hari Berarti 28 February 

Intended length of stay in the US : 3 weeks 

Where you will stay in the US? ( jangan pakai alamat family atau friends. Pakai alamat hotel 🏨saja)   street address ( line 1 ) isi dengan nama hotel 🏨atau apartment πŸ₯, lalu line 2 baru isi alamat detail dari hotel tersebut.  Coba pastikan dan tentukan hotel yang dipilih, termasuk informasi city, state, dan zip code nya ( putuskan ini)  

✋ Answered: HI San Francisco Downtown Hostel, address: 312 Mason St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA 


KALAU KELUAR TIME OUT, maka pilih lokasi pembuatan visa lagi. Pilih surabaya, pilih retrieve an application, lalu isi application Id πŸ†”πŸŽ« yang tadi awal kita simpan.  Lalu jawab security question πŸ™‹yang tadi kita buat 

Travel 🧳 Companion 

No. If Yes, harus infokan detailnya disini..

Previous US Travel 🧳 

No., then click next ( red ♥️ tab on the right)

Address and Information β„Ή️ 

Disini diminta email ✉️ πŸ“¨ lalu email email lain yang digunakan. Gmail dan Yahoo. Dan itu merefer ke personal πŸ’» email ✉️ πŸ“¨ yah! 

Social media profile: disarankan Linked aja.. tapi saya ga setuju. Ini hasilnya:

Yes, it’s best to disclose all your social media accounts on the DS-160 form, even if you rarely use them. The DS-160 form asks for all social media handles used in the past five years, regardless of activity level. Being honest and thorough can help avoid any potential issues in your visa application process.

Jadi Facebook, Instagram tolong ya isi. 

Social media identifier : Linked name, Facebook name, Instagram name. Semua identifier adalah full name..

Do you wish to provide about your presence on other websites? No 

Jangan lupa di save ya 🌺 🌹 🌹 🌺 

Passport πŸ›‚ Information πŸ›‚ β„Ή️ 

Bagian passport πŸ›‚ number info yang sesuai, bagian book number nya pilih ' doesn't apply '

City dimana passport πŸ›‚ dikeluarkan: Yogyakarta. Tadinya saya ada bikin di Surabaya. Tapi tolong refer ke passport πŸ›‚ terbaru

 Special Region of Yogyakarta 

Date of issue 24 Oktober 2023

U S Point of Contact Information πŸ›‚ πŸŽ›️β„Ή️

Bisa di read disini

Saya tulis don't know saja ya karena waktu di Jepang saya turis kan juga ga kenal orang. Namanya juga mau berkunjung wisata. Kan ga harus kenal orang..

Family Information πŸ›‚ 

Jangan lupa save . Ini data nama lengkap papa dan mama.. ini baiknya refer ke data kelahiran ya. Siapkan data kelahiran. Jacobus Sukamto?

26 April 1954 . Lalu ada immediate family gak ( siblings , fiance/ fiancee, parents, husband/ wife )

Present Work / Education/ Training Information β„Ή️ 

The primary occupation options listed in the DS-160 form include a range of common job categories. Here are the main options typically provided:

1. Business

2. Communications

3. Computer Science

4. Culinary/Food Services

5. Education

6. Engineering

7. Government

8. Homemaker

9. Legal Profession

10. Medical/Health

11. Mlitary

12. Natural Sciences

13. Not Employed

14. Other

15. Religious Vocation

16. Research

17. Retired

18. Social Sciences

19. Student

If your job doesn’t fit neatly into any of these categories, you may select "Other" and specify your occupation in the provided field.

Business , pakai alamat CV, telp CV ..

Answered here

Education: high school, university, college.. 

( Siapkan dokumen kelulusan buat isi supaya datanya akurat ).. data universitas dan data SMA. ( Bagian SMA nya pilih menu another ). Oia jangan lupa save 

Do you belong to a clan or tribe? Yes. Javanese . Provide list of languages you speak : indonesian, Javanese, English.

Have you entered other country in the last 5 years : yes, Malaysia. 

Have you contribute to any charitable organization? Yes. Rotary International 

Pertanyaan tentang nuklir dst : no 


Rata rata hampir semuanya jawab no . Jangan lupa di save ya 🌺🌹


Bagian contact information β„Ή️, kita diminta isi 2 nama orang dan datanya di negara kita. 


No need. Karena kita turis 

Photo :: persiapkan foto baru? :: bikin di Oktober 2023. Mau apply sekarang. Katanya masih oke dan boleh dipakai selama rambut ga berubah dan masih sama kita. Artinya tidak ads kenaikan atau penurunan berat badan 

NOTE 🎡 🎢:

Semua data ini paling lambat diterima 2-3 hari sebelum interview. 






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