Sabtu, 01 Juni 2024

Lukisan Bumi


Next tempat yang saya rekomendasikan untuk acara keluarga karena tempatnya luas dan nasinya saja premium, wangi dan diolah dengan super mantab ❤️😘

Lukisan Bumi Yogyakarta - Restaurant

Logo nya cantik sekali 

Free welcome drink 

Horse painting 🎨🖌️ Lukisan kuda 🐎

8 eight horses = courage, perseverance, wealth, and good fortune, career, health, education, and happiness. 

Hang the painting in the living room near the entrance to the house. Or south side of the living room to capture the horse's fire element.

Direction: Horses are facing your home, not away from it.
Guidance about horses painting 🎨🖌️:

Halaman yang luas 

Iga nasi bakar kecombrang 

Infuse water 

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