Ex Partner


Well, I have an ex and I introduce ex as ex to people and people are good about it. But one day my female friend stayed at her Partner's house 🏡 and the ex wife came and screamed, yelled at my friend's partner. 

I found out some reasons.. probably:

There could be several reasons why your partner's ex-wife was upset about you staying at your partner's house:

1. Residual Feelings: She may still have unresolved feelings for your partner, leading to jealousy or hurt when she sees him moving on.


2. Children's Well-being: If they share children, she might be concerned about how the children are adjusting to the new situation or how it impacts their stability and routine.

3. Boundaries: She might feel that having you stay over crosses certain boundaries, especially if the divorce is recent or if there was no prior discussion about it.

4. Change and Adjustment: Divorce and breakups require significant adjustment periods. Seeing her ex-partner with someone new can be difficult and provoke emotional responses.

5. Communication Issues: There may have been poor communication or misunderstandings between your partner and his ex-wife regarding your presence.

6. Fear of Replacement: She may worry that her role in certain aspects of life, particularly if children are involved, is being diminished or replaced.


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