Minggu, 30 April 2023

Rok Panjang PREMIUM Bludru Prisket Dim2 Velvet Jagr Plisket Long Skirt

Cantik sekali rok ini kak :) super glamor

Silakan beli di Palastri Shop ya kak :) 

Klik link ini https://tokopedia.com/palastrishop/rok-panjang-premium-bludru-prisket-dim2-velvet-jagr-plisket-long-skirt?utm_source=salinlink&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=PDP-6232808-9286778504-300423-gFZoml

Detail untuk rok ini :

Rok Panjang PREMIUM Bludru Prisket Dim2 Velvet Jagr Plisket Long Skirt 

Pilihan : 



Hijau Botol 





Detail produk : 

-bahan suede / bludru import

-bahan tebal ,halus dan tidak menerawang jadi sangat nyaman di pakai ya ka

-Pinggang karet sangat elastis kuat & kokoh. 

Detail ukuran/Size :

- panjang rok : 93 cm

- Lingkar pinggang : 70 cm setelah melar full bisa sampai 119 cm

- lingkar bawah : 180 cm & mayung

- muat bb 45kg - 80 kg fit to M/L/XL

Kualitas terbaik :)

Untuk warna mohon maklum , mungkin beda karena efek cahaya kamera dan restock pabrik tidak selalu sama untuk tone nya , kadang lebih tua , kadang lebih muda. Tapi tetap cantik :)


Rabu, 19 April 2023

100 pcs PREMIUM Waxing Strip Liof Kain Kertas Sugaring Wax Sugar Strips

 100 pcs PREMIUM Waxing Strip Liof Kain Kertas Sugaring Wax Sugar Strips 

Di pasaran ada banyak bahan, yg ini yg premium ya kak, sudah kami test dan dibuktikan :) selain bahan sugaring/ waxing , bahan strips ini sangat penting untuk mempermudah pencabutan 

- Bahan non-woven tebal bertekstur untuk daya cabut yang lebih maksimal dan lebih awet.

- Bisa digunakan 2 sisi.

- Bisa dicuci dengan mudah dan dipakai berulang kali. ( tergantung bahan waxing nya ya kak )

- Ukuran: ± 8 cm x 20cm 

Untuk order silakan klik link ini https://tokopedia.link/kcjD5xb07yb

Based on my experience : 

Sugaring/ waxing component itself has big effect. But without good paper strips, the hairs cannot be taken completely..and it frustrated me. So i found these beautiful strips :) helped me a lot :)

Posisi taruh gel dan arah tarik pegang peranan penting. Setelah banyak coba. Akhirnya saya ketemu ini. Sangat membantu. Jadi saya screenshot deh :) 

Pastikan jangan ada luka atau jerawat ya kak... Pastikan sembuhkan dulu baru waxing 


yg pasti jangan sebelum menstruasi. Karena saat itu kulit Lebih sensitif. Lakukan setelah menstruasi 

Undertone Cool Warm Tone

Recently, i learned about undertone. Now i know why silver-colored jewelries look prettier than gold ones on me 

There are 3 types :




I am a cool one .. purple, navy , look good to me. I honesty don't like red ♥️ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ one-day, i had to wear a red tshirt, i put a navy scarf ๐Ÿงฃ on it. Guess what? Whole day people gave me compliments about how beautiful i was. Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ because i put cool color ( navy) closer to my neck / my face accidentally..

From now on, make sure you check colors on your : 

1. Clothes ( make sure the closer to the face is your undertone colors ). 

2. Lips.. similar with scarf moment ๐Ÿ˜œ i wore a witty 40 Maybelline ink lipstick and people looked at me wow, they smiled a lot to me ๐Ÿ˜‚ at first i was worried ๐Ÿ˜ซ ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ because it was too dark. But it went perfectly 

3. Blush on.. i am learning about this. I used to like peach color. But as theory. 

Warm = nude, coral, peach 

Cool = mauve ,pink, rose.  

I am planning to try that Mauve one. Wish me luck Haha ๐Ÿ˜† 


I have a green yellowish tank top.. that will look good to warm-undertone people. 

Green ๐Ÿ’š ( as ' neutral ' in this case), you add more yellow like army ๐Ÿช–, hijau pupus = belong to warm color 

While add more blue ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ต , they will look like tosca or dark Tosca. They are belong to cool color. 


Emerald green 

Mint green

Ice blue ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ต

Sage green ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ


Olive green


Left ( to orange ) ๐Ÿงก is a warm area

Right ( to purple ๐Ÿ’œ and pink  is a cool area )

Senin, 17 April 2023

Mercury in astrology

Mercury = merchant; merchandise/ mercks..rules :

๐Ÿฆœ communication 

๐Ÿฆœ transportation 

๐Ÿฆœ Buying 

๐Ÿฆœ Selling 

In health, it rules : 

Vocal cords 

Respiratory system 

Breathing system


actually transportation also Belongs to Mars, but because it carries things to move , then it can be part of Mercury

๐Ÿšฒ Bike 

๐Ÿšณ Motorcycle ๐Ÿ️

๐Ÿš— Cars 

๐Ÿฃ Yatch  

๐Ÿš Buses 

Above is the strength of my mercury planet. = 7 strong 

Selasa, 11 April 2023

Bantal dan Guling


Hallo kak, butuh bantal dan guling? Kita periodik harus ganti bantal dan guling loh. Pastikan nyaman karena kita tidur setidaknya 6-8 jam per hari. 

Coba cek ini di Tokopedia, deh. Harganya Rp66.000
Klik link di atas kak. Ini toko kami 

Bantal Guling Sdi Pillow Memoryfoam Busa Memory Foam 

Ukuran bantal 45x65 , standard hotel 

motif bantal selalu berubah2 yah.yang pasti dia putih mewah.

Awet, tidak mudah kempes
Nyaman di pakai, 
empuk dan kenyal
Terdapat lapisan memory busa 
Kain lembut 

●anti kempes

Note:motif bordir berubah2 sesuai produksi pabrik




Points :

๐Ÿงด Don't use shampoo and conditioner anymore

๐Ÿงด Use Grass fed, grass finished , beef tallow 

๐Ÿงด Use organic olive ๐Ÿซ’ oil 

๐Ÿงด Honey ๐Ÿฏ = untuk wounds healing , reduce inflammation 


๐Ÿ Retinoic acid 



Alcohol feels cold when i put it on my skin. 

Is it good for skin? Why so many toner out there contain alcohol? 

The answer is : no. It's not good. It can damage skin's barrier. Check your skin care products, make sure no alcohol on them.


after i used a skincare. I felt like " hyperpigmentation" on my skin. It contained high vitamin C. I also saw so many products out there vit extra vit C for whitening, brightening. Well is it good? 

The answer is : if you eat oranges / vitamin C then it's good. If you put to your skin + you go outside and meet the sun ๐ŸŒž= hyperpigmentation. It's like a chemical reaction. Beware with products on the market. Most of them just want to get profit from you. But not benefit for your skin ๐Ÿ˜œ 


if you want to touch soils, wash plates , wash clothes manually. It's better to wear gloves. Protect you from chemicals 

Senin, 10 April 2023


Important : Do your preparations for changes. 

Because changes happen.. every second