Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

Label Lipat Woven Bordir 24 Januari 2020

Hasil saat dilipat
Informasi : mulai Februari 2020 harga naik 30rb y kk,, krn ada kenaikan harga benang import nya.. detail wa 085693913558 kk

Contoh benang silver

Senin, 20 Januari 2020

ec Cardigan Franda Import Putih Hitam

ec Cardigan Franda Import 
90.000 Import

Chocholate Mousse Coklat Chocolate

Coklat batang / Coklat compound
Cocoa powder + air panas, eGncerkan
Susu, panaskan ( + heavy cream kl ada )
Condense milk / susu kental manis
Gelatin untuk texture padat / ganti maizena juga boleh === maizena nya diencerkan dulu y kk

Panaskan semua, lalu biarkan minimal 4 jam di kulkas. Semalaman lebih baik.

Taburi atasnya dengan coklat bubuk , untuk tampilan bagus dan rata bisa pakai alat bantu saringan yg biasa dipakai untuk saringan santan / jeruk kk

Tampilan sebelum ditaburi coklat bubuk, untuk hasil akhir seperti foto teratas kk

Senin, 06 Januari 2020

Layanan Sedot Pulsa M3

Cara hentikan layanan penyedot pulsa. Entah sadar tidak coba saja ketik
*185*2*2# kl disitu ada keterangan berlangganan maka pilih menu
Berhenti langganan kk.
Supaya pulsa tidak tersedot terus.
Sudah admin coba dan buktikan untuk layanan provider im3 dan berhasil kk

Minggu, 05 Januari 2020

Membuat Pelembab Rambut Conditioner

Untuk perawatan rambut gabung
Coconut oil +
Apple Cider vinegar.

Aplikasinya setelah shampo y kk. Uda cuci bersih lalu kk kasi ramuan itu, berikutnya kk bilas.

Manfaat apple cider : membersihkan residu bekas zat shampoo, jd efektif buat hilangkan sisa bahan kimia kk.

Kl coconut oil : sebagai pelembab alami rambut. Istilahnya conditioner alami kk :)

Making your own conditioner at home is a great way to customize the ingredients based on your hair type and needs. Here’s a simple and natural recipe for a DIY conditioner that you can try:

### Ingredients:
1. **Coconut Oil** (1 tablespoon): Moisturizes and nourishes hair, making it soft and shiny.
2. **Aloe Vera Gel** (2 tablespoons): Hydrates the hair and scalp, promoting healthy hair growth.
3. **Apple Cider Vinegar** (1 tablespoon): Balances the scalp’s pH, adds shine, and detangles hair.
4. **Essential Oil** (5-10 drops, optional): Adds fragrance and additional benefits based on the type you choose (e.g., lavender for calming or rosemary for promoting hair growth).
5. **Water** (1 cup): Dilutes the mixture for easy application.

### Instructions:
1. **Mix Ingredients**: In a bowl, combine the coconut oil, aloe vera gel, and apple cider vinegar. Stir the mixture well to make sure the ingredients are evenly blended.
2. **Add Water**: Slowly add the water while continuing to stir. This will help dilute the mixture, making it easier to apply to your hair.
3. **Essential Oil**: If using essential oil, add it at this stage and stir again to incorporate it into the conditioner.
4. **Store**: Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle or any container with a lid for easy use. Shake well before each use.

### How to Use:
- After shampooing your hair, apply the homemade conditioner from mid-lengths to ends (avoid the scalp if your hair tends to get oily).
- Leave it on for 2-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
- For extra moisture, you can leave it on longer or use it as a leave-in conditioner by applying a small amount to damp hair and letting it air dry.

### Tips:
- Adjust the amount of coconut oil depending on how dry or oily your hair is. For dry hair, you can use more; for oily hair, use less.
- Apple cider vinegar helps with detangling and shine, but if you have color-treated hair, use it sparingly, as it may affect the color over time.
- You can experiment with other natural oils like argan oil, jojoba oil, or shea butter if you prefer different benefits.

Would you like a recipe for a specific hair type or need (e.g., damaged hair, frizzy hair, etc.)?

Membuat Sendiri Shaving Cream

Body lotion
Baby oil
Shea butter
Jika mau tambah coconut oil + almond oil juga bole

Tampilan seperti di atas, gabung semua bahan, aduk. Siap digunakan kk

Kamis, 02 Januari 2020

Saos Keju Saus Sauce


Campur semua

Cap Cay Tepung :)

Tepung terigu + kaldu ayam + garam + gula + merica + air 

Campur adonan lalu goreng
Tiriskan, potong kotak2. 
Tips : tangan kiri pegang garpu, tangan kanan pegang pisau supaya ga kepanasan

Di wajan siapkan :
Air sedikit
Bawang putih
Saus tiram
Daun bawang

Campur semua, siap dihidangkan


Cap Cay Lie Djiong

Menu Lie Djiong